Let’s THRIVE in our twenties

unlearn, learn, relearn cycle ✸

unlearn, learn, relearn cycle ✸

  • To gain knowledge about a certain skill in something by studying, through experience, or being taught. This knowledge can be acquired both consciously or unconsciously.

  • To discard or ~detox~ something you once learned that no longer serves you—usually false, outdated or limiting information. Tip: Awareness is the first and most crucial step when dealing with unconscious information.

  • To learn something again...Preferably, knowledge that adds to the quality of your life. Active learning is crucial to be competent in a skill. So don’t expect to learn something once, and be an expert right away!

Now a lil bit about me :)

Helloooo my name is Bianca Venchiarutti, but most people call me B. I’m a small-town Ontarian who’s obsessed with learning, nature walks, watching small-town shows (Heartland is my fav though), and drinking my morning coffee!

Why I started…       

I first started The Twenties Detox Blog, as an outlet during one of my first life transitions: Multiple all nighters, back-to-back labs, tough exams, and a BSc. degree later…I realized Forensic Science wasn’t for me anymore.

I was devastated—I thought I just wasted all that time and money for nothing. Shortly after, an identity crisis hit.

To regain a sense of purpose in my life, I dove into multiple personal development books, such as Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Brené Brown, Ryan Holiday and…I noticed something.

Although I had previously raved about my intelligence (in the least cocky way possible), these books humbled me in the profound amount of information I must still learn—and unlearn. In some ways, I became a student again.

I can’t tell you all the secrets of life— but I will share with you the knowledge I gather along the way.

I hope you enjoy what I have to share on this journey. xoxo.

— B





“In a world that is rapidly changing — unlearning is becoming even more valuable for us twentysomethings than just acquisitive learning. That’s why we must learn how to detox, and ditch bad habits in order to cultivate a better mentality for growth. Only then, do we have the proper foundation to build a path of our own.”

—Bianca Venchiarutti