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Are you actually romanticizing, or is it for instagram?
wellness Bianca Venchiarutti wellness Bianca Venchiarutti

Are you actually romanticizing, or is it for instagram?

It's not about looks; it's about feelings. The term "romance" centres around love, highlighting the significance of embracing love and genuinely appreciating your life. It's worth noting that these idyllic moments aren't constant for most people; they come in fleeting glimpses.

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A Guide to Living with your Parents in your 20s
Relationships Bianca Venchiarutti Relationships Bianca Venchiarutti

A Guide to Living with your Parents in your 20s

The purpose of this guide is to help you reframe your way of thinking about living at home. Many feel like they're falling behind when it comes to living with your parents, but I’m here to say that it’s possible to continue on your journey of personal growth. Just follow these 5 steps.

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